Thursday, November 17, 2011

I have a blog! Now... what to do with it.

Despite the fact that I write this with no followers to yet read it, I'm excited about future prospects!  I work in the insurance industry which is about as fun as a paper cut.  My real passion is food.  Real, actual, grown in the dirt, or grazes in a pasture, whole food.     My joy is creating food for my family, feeding us well with whole and local ingredients.  One of the highlights of my week is when my husband Matt brings home our "mystery box" of veggies from our CSA (community supported agriculture) membership.  I'm always on the hunt for new recipes and food ideas... ways to make food fun for my kids and something they would want to eat without making "kid food" every night.  This blog will be a place to store those ideas and keep my creativity flowing. 

My passion also extends to living simply.  I teach my children how to be mindful of what we buy and throw away (that magical place where we can pretend stuff doesn't exist anymore).  We reduce what we purchase when possible.  We reuse what we can in projects with the kiddos or re purpose them around the house.  Last but not least recycle what's left.  Since we moved over the summer I haven't gotten my compost bin back up and running but hopefully that will be a future blog post!

Time to Feed My Passion.


  1. "mystery box"

    Do you watch "Chopped" on the Food Channel? Talk about being under the gun; but it is amazing what those Chefs are able to produce in the small amount of time they are given.

  2. I am SO proud that you are my Niece and wish I could come to your house for dinner; like yesterday.


  3. That show stresses me out! They do make some great stuff!

    You know you are welcome anytime Scott! :-)
